Happy Mother's Day

8:01 AM

He laid on my chest and his breathing
filled me almost to beyond what I could hold.

My mom gave me a card that had that on it and it was very descriptive for me. I feel that way sometimes even now. My sweet son's life and breath and purity and inspiration and happiness sometimes fill me beyond what I can hold. I sit with him and take the moment to realize what I am privileged to experience.

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  1. What a touching line about mother love. There really aren't words to describe it. Peja is a cutie and you are a sweet mom. :)

  2. Katie, again,you bring tears to our eyes. Peja is one lucky little baby to be loved so completely by his lovely, tender mother.

  3. You are a great mom! I fee like with the second one, moments like that are few and far between. I'm glad you are enjoying Peja every every minute!


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