In Loving Memory of Shrapnal Kunz Vrajich

5:03 PM

Today we lost a good friend. On the way home from the mailbox Shrappy got killed by a pit bull. He had finally learned how to be a dog instead of a child. The combination of sunny california and my parent's dog Rachel had helped him to know that he could be a dog. He started to bark a little bit, sniffed another dog for the first time, marked the entire neighborhood and man he was loving life. This little dog had found his way into everyone's heart that he knew. Needless to say, quite a few tears were shed today...

Even though he was learning how to be a real dog (above), he was still one of our sons and still acted kind of like a cat. One of his best compliments was from Kirk Anderson who had elevated him to the status of cat. He was at the very least a cat-dog (below).
The missionaries were on their way by the house and they helped break up the fight, kept the dog for the pound to pick up and then dug a grave for Shrapnal. Here are some photos from the funeral...

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  1. That makes me really sad. It is always so traumatic when you lose a dog. I'm so sorry. That picture of him with Peja is so, so sweet. Such sad news. He was a cool little dog.

  2. I am so sorry. He was an adorable dog (and that's a lot coming from someone who's not too fond of dogs).

  3. Love you Kate-love and Il. We loved Shrappy and will have the best memories of him. He truly was the best dog. Love you guys.

  4. I'm so sorry. Shrappy was a good dog. I'm not a dog person, but who could not love little Shrappy. I hope you are coping well with your loss. :(

  5. Katie, I cried when I read about Shrappy. He was an adorable little dog. My childhood dog (a shitzu) was hit by a car in front of our house and it was so sad.
    Little Peja is darling! Good thing you have him to cuddle now that Shrappy is gone.
    Glad you have a blog so we can keep in touch!


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