Post bath time

9:45 AM

Peja and I took a nice bath together yesterday. I figured out that he is so fat that he floats! I was just holding up his head and the rest of his body was floating. He loved kicking in the water. I have recently switched to cloth diapers and I love them! You can see them in these pictures... isn't he cute? I love my little naked boy so much!

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  1. It's great to hear that someone else loves cloth diapers too! What kind do you use? We've always used the kushie all in ones...they seem to work well.

  2. He is sooooo cute! It is so much easier and fun to bathe together! What a great idea! I think I will try floating Lucy next bath.

    Now I am curious why you like cloth diapers better. Can you give me a few advantages because I am picturing a really big mess in my head, but I am probably very naive.

  3. Wow you are one brave woman. So now you must enlighten us all as to why you love cloth diapers....I imagine they are wonderfully economical, but that's as much as I can imagine being positive, so please share! I'd love to hear about them.


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