A Man's Best Friend

4:35 PM

In September of 2005 we adopted our first son. His first parents gave him the rediculous name of Shrapnal, and it stuck. So he was Shrapnal Kunz Vrajich and he was wonderful. He was some sort of Chihuahua thing that had an abusive, rough life before being rescued from the pound at 5 years old. He got saved and came to the lap of luxury in the Vrajich home. He didn't yap, he didn't go to the bathroom in the house and he didn't chew or tear up anything. You may think that is enough wonderfulness - but it wasn't what he didn't do, it was what he did do. He loved to be swaddled, he loved to snuggle inside of sweatshirts or under the covers, he would let Il rough house and dance with him and he would let me dress him up in geeky sweaters. When I was out of town he would cuddle with Il in bed and every time we came home he would have an asthma attack from being so excited to see us. We loved this dog, and we will never find another one like him.

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  1. So precious. Who wouldn't want a dog that cute and cuddly? I am so so sorry for you.


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