This right here is clarity (and a sunset at Morro Bay, one of my beaches) |
I have been thinking and talking about how I really feel called to "help people gain clarity and come closer to Him through this tool." I was telling one of my current clients that and this is what she said (it is worth reading to the end!) If you have been thinking about whether or not to make an Ideal LifeVision, reading this might help you to know if you want to.
"... That is exactly what has happened for me. I could have told you in great detail what my strengths and weakness were before this, but now I have so much more clarity about the root of many of my weakness and how to overcome them. I also feel so much closer to my Heavenly Father, and I thought I was at a point in my life where I was doing pretty well in that area. This process didn't change the Gospel in any way, but it tweaked some little sub-conscience misconceptions I had that were holding me back from becoming who I was created to be. I was then able to more fully embrace my Heavenly Father's love for me and more fully access the blessings inherent in the gospel. I love that it helped me clarify exactly what changes I need to make at this time and made clear why I needed to make those changes. Sometimes we know we need to attend the Temple more, but we haven't internalized the why--though we could recite the reasons we have been taught. It hasn't become a part of us yet. I love that this has brought me closer to my Heavenly Father. I feel his love for me more clearly and suddenly going to the temple and family prayer/scripture study has become so much easier! Going to the temple on a regular basis has been something I intended to do ever since I moved to St.George 2 1/2 years ago, but I never seemed to find the time. Now, suddenly, I have gone 4 times in the last 3 weeks, and I have felt the Spirit so much more throughout the week. I don't understand why I didn't do this before? Nothing has changed in my schedule to give me more time, only a change in thinking. We are taught by church leaders to plan and make goals on a regular basis and to keep journals, but I think many of us don't really understand the best way to go about those things. This has been a great tool for helping me do those things in a very effective way.
I think sometimes self-help stuff can bring you away from God, depending on its nature. ... This experience has helped me, however, to live my religion more fully--not replace it. I love that this tool brought me closer to God and helped me see more clearly what I want out of my spiritual life. It also helped me understand how development in all the other areas relates to God also. I now understand better how He can even be involved in my financial life. Which I should have understood as much as we talk about tithing, staying out of debt, etc. in the Church--but somehow I hadn't really internalized and worked through my understanding of this.
I know that this was an answer to prayer, 100%! I was specifically praying for help with my confidence when I received your e-mail. Normally, I would have thought "I don't know her;" "I don't have time;" "Someone else needs this more;" "She'll never pick me;" etc. Actually, I did think all those things, but I was inspired to respond any way. I am so glad I did, because I am not the same person I was 2 months ago. ... I have already decided that I would refer anyone to you without any reservation. Half of the package is the LifeVision system, and the other half is what you bring to the table!" - Christine
This tool isn't just about making a list of "to-do's" that are meant to stress you out every day. It is really about line upon line BECOMING who you were meant to be. It is glorious and wonderful. It does take a significant effort up front but it is worth it! And we can do it!
If you have been praying for help with something, and this feels like it could be an answer to that prayer, please sign up for a time to chat HERE.
If you already know how to make one but haven't gotten on it, now is the time! DO IT!
And, if you have thought about wanting help writing an ideal life vision I have 3 different options. I have a 1 day workshop, a 6 week group coaching call or a 6 month personal mentoring program. Please schedule a time here: and we can talk about what you are looking for and which of these options would work best for you.
Love, Katie