At long last my son is walking. He is so heavy that I have been anxiously awaiting this day. I guess my cheapness is going to have to get over itself and buy some shoes for the poor barefoot kid. It is winter after all!
Last week he took a couple of steps here and there and he loved walking this thing back and forth, back and forth.
This week he is walking all over the place! And trying to carry heavy things - crazy child...
Ilija had to work on Saturday so I went on a little galivant to see the grandparents. We met for fish and chips and a short walk on the beach. My parents met us there too. It was such a gorgeous day, who would have known it was the middle of November! Peja's favorite thing about the beach is still eating sand. It was pretty gross, but he wouldn't stop!
These are a couple of months old, I'll take some new ones soon.
I have been a seriously slacker with pictures - sorry again GG. Ever since I moved to this apartment the blog is WAAAAY far down my to-do list. I haven't even been taking pictures and there are so many cute things to take pictures of. I will try this week to be better. Peja took a couple of steps on his own this week. He is very close to walking...
Story time: Last week Peja woke up in the middle of the night screaming and he cried for a long time. I couldn't put him back to sleep in the normal ways so I put him in the backpack and started pacing the house. Sometime between 1 and 2 AM as I was pacing back and forth in the living room I came up with this. (It took a whole hour of this to get him back to sleep so I had plenty of time to think.) Motherhood is not for the weak at heart. The pacing reminded me a lot of when I was in labor, because if I remember correctly I spent much of it pacing the hospital room. I sometimes wonder why God had to make delivering a baby such hard work. What I came up with in the middle of the night is that He had to make it hard, because Motherhood is hard! The pregnancy, labor and delivery is just the beginning of this joyous, arduous, blissful and overwhelming process called parenthood. These things help prepare you and help you to know that you can do anything. Also, hopefully it will scare off people who aren't ready for such hard work. Anyway, the main point is that every day I realize a little more about the joy of parenthood. Where much is given, much is required.
For Halloween Peja was my date. He had the cutest little tux costume with coat tales and everything. I had this weird dress on that was my grandma's. People said it could be Elvira, Princess Lea (sp) or the Adam's Family mom. Anyway, here you go. Peja is almost 11 months!
I am Katie. I love to be me, exercise, play with my babies and smooch my husband. I homeschool, read, play lots of volleyball and once in a while do some Jamberry. Life is good!