Hello Friends

12:19 PM

Some of our bestest friends came into town for a little bit. It was so much fun to see them!
We even got a night out on the town with no babies! Their son Taevin had a lot of fun with Peja, or maybe the other way around. Regardless, it was a great time!

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  1. How fun! We are so homesick for some of our friends we left in Utah. Isn't it great to get a night out?

  2. I should have called you when I was in town. I thought about it but you know how time goes when you have a ton of things to do in a small amount of time =)

  3. We love you guys and had a blast that night. Goll I wish we could chill every night. We suuuucccckk! Xmas is going to be amazing.....date night AT LEAST 3 times.


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