Happy Anniversary to Us!

1:03 PM

We desperately need to take some good pictures, but here is one of us on our anniversary. 5 years! Life is SOOOO GOOD! We had a very nice date that night, and we are hoping to give ourselves a cruise in a few months when I feel more comfortable leaving Peja for a few nights.

In other news...

I don’t even know where to begin I am so excited. I realized last night when doing my finances that we doubled our income this month! I had noticed that we have been depositing a lot of checks (so fun!), but I didn’t really realize the magnitude of it until last night. We have a few thousand dollars leftover after paying all of our expenses. IT IS AMAZING! We also have put in motion exciting things to get another business started that will be bringing in even more! There truly is no lack, there is only abundance. We are the ones that lack if we are experiencing lack. God has unlimited resources and if we need something he will either show us how to find it if it exists already or create it if it didn’t exist. I’ve noticed another awesome side-effect of working on my thoughts. I am much more relaxed about money! I used to be very anal about expenses and staying in budget and was very worried about spending any unnecessary penny. I’ve realized that we are staying well within that same budget very naturally now. The only difference is that we have more income also! I am so excited about all of the great things we can have that money do for us! For we are definitely going to put it to work! I have changed myself to believe that I am wealthy and it is truly working right before my eyes. I really can’t even explain how awesome this whole experience has been. I am almost done with my course called “Family Time and Money Freedom” and it has been life-changing. I wish everyone I know could have an experience like this. I feel like such a different person and I know that I can just keep improving.

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  1. Happy Anniversary! Ilija texted and said you guys might be coming through Phoenix, let us know!

  2. Hi! Your blog is cute and very family oriented! I know you guys travel a lot and I'm so sad I didn't know you were living in Utah for so long....especially since my husband and I have been in Utah county for 3 years now. Anyways, it would be fun your family when/if you come this way. The only people we know in California live near the 49er stadium so I'm not sure how far you are from there.....

  3. We are about 3.5 hours from 49er stadium. That is my husband's FAVORITE team. He is in love, even in the crappy years. I am really sorry, but what Kami is this? I coudln't see your profile...


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