Family Workout Initiative

8:35 PM

We have an ever elusive family desire to be healthy. I am a wellness major so health is ever present in my mind, but for the rest of the family the draw of a comfy couch and steak and potatoes is too much. I am just kidding, but most of the people in our families are wanting to lose weight right now. (not me, calm down) So we started a little program with points and things to try to get vegetables and exercising and water into our lives. So here is Peja in his workout outfit ready to join the family weight loss. Well he, of all the people in the family, is the one that needs to lose least. Even though he has gained about a pound per week of life, they say that breastmilk can't ever be unhealthy and that a fat baby is a great baby. So although I worry that he won't be able to move or sit up or even hold up his head because he is so fat, I will just love my 18 pound? baby because he is amazingly wonderful and beautiful.

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  1. What a cutie! Those cheeks are to die for! I think he looks a lot like Ilija!

  2. Katie, thanks so much for the wonderful pictures of your darling baby boy. We'll definitely have to see him when he is awake next weekend...not that I don't absolutely love holding him while he sleeps!

  3. Those are some great pictures of Peja! He's such a big and gorgeous baby.


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