Happy 2 month birthday Peja!

9:57 AM

I cannot believe that it has only been two months since he came in to our lives. I feel like he has been with us forever (in a good way of course). He just fits so perfectly into our family and makes us so happy. Sometimes we wake up in the morning and just stare at him because he is so cute. He isn't nearly as cute in pictures as he is in person. Anyway, here are some recent pictures.

Yes, I'm a thug - one that doesn't match at all. He just looked so funny in this hat that I had to take a picture.

We were trying to show Ilija and Peja's matching smiles, but the flash takes away his cute dimples. Ilija called himself Jaba the hut (sp?) when he saw this picture, but I think he always looks cute.

This is my really sweet new Ergo baby carrier. It is the best thing in the world. Now I have a sling, a snugli and this ergo. We have been going on a lot of walks lately and Peja just loves to cuddle into our chests and take a nap. I think he feels like he is back in the womb, before all that crazy business of squeezing himself out a little hole.

This is what has gotten him so fat - he loves to eat! He is trying to eat my face in this picture. It is one of my favorite things in the world to kiss his cheeks and then have him turn and try to eat me. It is the cutest thing in the world. Okay - so back to that thing where he does nothing and I think it is the best. First time mom - what can I say!?
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  1. These pictures are adorable! Peja is such a cute little guy! Whenever i see your website I sure miss you guys!

  2. Do you like your ergo? I've thought about getting one for forever. Henry hates his sling and I get drooled on with the snugli. How did you decide on the ergo?

    Peja is so sweet. Henry is almost 3 months old, it is going by way too fast.

    Where do you guys live now?


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