Peja's Toys

9:04 PM

Nia's telephone (or curly hair or finger)

A Funny Monkey for our "Chunky Monkey"

Grandma Ruth's pillows

The table and silly booster seat

Dad's old blackberry cover

Really anything will work if it is not too heavy. He really enjoys pulling plants, hair, the cat's ears, poppy's nose - anything that his hand can fit around is fair game. I need to start watching out for this kid. He rolled over officially for the first time yesterday (from his belly). I keep trying to get him to do it again but he has only been able to do it once, the rest of the time his arm gets stuck. He has figured out that he can move himself though, so now he always wants to move. That little roll is the beginning of the end. It is taking me into the new world of real parenting - with a mobile child. Sure, it will still be a while til he can really do much, but it is a beginning nonetheless.

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  1. Love the pictures! What a stud...enjoy the fun!

  2. It's a good thing May is pretty much over because it's a party every other day! Cute pictures, I read about your anniversary, Happy late Anniversary! Thanks for the cute picture of Peja!


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