Peja is so fun!

8:34 PM

I've been having so much fun with Peja lately! He is so cute. (I know I am gushing, but I am an adoring parent what can I say?) Today he was posing for the camera and it was adorable. Yesterday we went to the doctor. Peja weights 29 1/2 pounds and is 34 inches tall. He is SUCH a big boy. Every day I marvel at how much he can do. Today we were in the car and that is our favorite time to practice animal noises. Sometime I am going to put a video on here of all of them. He loves to be quized on things so he can show off his skills. The animal noises he can do are: dog, cat, cow, pig, chicken, horse, duck, tiger, bird, lion, goat and I think I am forgetting something. But everything that I have tried to teach him he can do. How does he remember so much? His favorite words are ball (ba), water (wa-wa), belly button (ba-ba), mama, dada, amen (me). I just need to figure out what to teach him next!
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  1. what a little hunk!! How fun, I can't wait until Cheyenne can start to say words!

  2. Hey I'll be coming into town in August sometime.. I know far away right. But I wanted to le tyou know that when I'm in town I can take your family pictures. I took Gowers. =)


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